środa, 29 maja 2013

End of Matriculation Exams!

End of Matriculation Exams! How did it go? Someone had to take his/her exams on the last official day?

Koniec Egzaminów dojrzałości! Po Maturach! Jak poszło? Ktoś zdawał jeszcze w ostatnim oficjalnym dniu?

sobota, 25 maja 2013

Mother's Day

Best wishes for all loving moms! Today in Poland we celebrate Mother's Day. How are you going to say ‘thank you, mum’?

Najlepsze życzenia na ukochanych mam! Dzisiaj w Polsce obchodzimy Dzień Mamy. Jak planujecie podziękować swoim mamom?

środa, 22 maja 2013

A good fit in Denmark?

While studying in Denmark you can also think about ensuring a good fit. Maybe the famous Copenhagen Marathon? Last Sunday Rachid Kirsi from Morocco won the maraton. His time was 2:17:22. Congratulations! How about you, will you take part next year?

Studiując w Danii warto pomyśleć o zadbaniu o dobrą formę. Może słynny Maraton kopenhaski? W minioną niedzielę maraton wygrał Rachid Kirsi z Moroka z czasem 2:17:22. Gratulujemy! A Ty, wystartujesz za rok?

poniedziałek, 13 maja 2013

Good luck on your next exams!

We still have our fingers crossed for all taking their Matriculation Exams this year. Good luck on your next exams! For those who are already after it: which subject went the best for you?

Nadal trzymamy kciuki za wszystkich zdających maturę w tym roku. Powodzenia na następnych egzaminach! Do tych co mają ją już za sobą: który przedmiot poszedł Wam najlepiej?

poniedziałek, 6 maja 2013


Good luck to those who are taking the Final High School Exams - Matura these days! Relax today ;-)

Summer School in Denmark

VIA University College School of Technology and Business (Denmark) offers tuition free Summer School courses to students who are already studying in university level programmes, in Poland, Denmark or anywhere in the EU. The courses are offered in: ICT Engineering, Business and Communication, Marketing Management, Entrepreneurship and Business Development, Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering and Architectural Technology and Construction Management.
For more information about courses and accommodation please visit: http://www.viauc.com/summerschoolhorsens
For further information about applications please contact us on dania@eduabroad.pl and we will get back to you. We look forward to hearing from you.