poniedziałek, 15 lutego 2010

Roksana from Poland is studying at Sheffield Hallam University. Do you know why?

I chose Sheffield Hallam because it is developing and ultramodern University. It is known as one of the best Universities in England in Psychology and has lots of education sources, many different and interesting courses for everyone. I cho...se this also because it is located in one of the biggest and safest cities in the UK and is very helpful for students who can enjoy thousands of books for every source of knowledge in library (opened 24/7). Lecturers and staff in SHU are also highly genial and cooperative. They help with every problem and do their best to solve it.

I would like to encourage students to come to Sheffield Hallam University because people at the University I mean the staff are very helpful. There is a range of many interesting and different courses in every area of knowledge. Tutors here do their best for students to help them achieve their goals. SHU helps to improve ability of thinking, writing skills and to enlarge our source of knowledge. There is also a chance to study abroad or to learn foreign language. There are good amenities for disabled students.

More at: www.studiazagranica.pl

czwartek, 11 lutego 2010

Let's meet in Poznan

Between 19th and 21st February 2010 eduABROAD Programme, together with universities: Roskilde Business College (Denmark) and Hanze University Groningen (the Netherlands), will take part in the Poznan Education Fair.

We look forward to meeting young people, students, teachers, educators and people interested in studying abroad. At eduABROAD Programme it is possible to apply for studies abroad directly in Poland without any extra charges.

As a surprise we have sweet, of course international, gifts. The gifts are waiting every day for the first three people who will visit our stand. To get them simply say the password: "BROADEN YOUR HORIZONS. STUDY ABROAD".

We invite you to visit our stand:
Poznan International Fair (Miedzynarodowe Targi Poznanskie)
Glogowska Street 14, 60-734 Poznan
Pavilion 5, Stand: 207

Spotkajmy się w Poznaniu

W dniach od 19 do 21 lutego 2010 Program eduABROAD, wraz z uczelniami: Roskilde Business College (Dania) oraz Hanze University Groningen (Holandia), jest w Poznaniu na Targach Edukacyjnych.

Czekamy na młodzież, uczniów, studentów, nauczycieli, wychowawców oraz wszystkich zainteresowanych studiami za granicą. Razem z Programem eduABROAD aplikację na studia za granicą złożysz w Polsce i bez żadnych dodatkowych opłat.

W ramach niespodzianki, każdego dnia dla 3 pierwszych osób, którzy będą gościć na naszym stoisku, czekają słodkie, oczywiście międzynarodowe, upominki. Aby je zdobyć wystarczy wypowiedzieć hasło: "BROADEN YOUR HORIZONS. STUDY ABROAD".

Serdecznie zapraszamy do odwiedzenia naszego stoiska:
Międzynarodowe Targi Poznańskie
ul. Głogowska 14, 60-734 Poznań
Pawilon: 5; Stoisko: 207

sobota, 6 lutego 2010

Meet Malgorzata from Poland and find out about her experience of studying at Saxion University in the Netherlands: http://www.youtube.com/user/eduabroad#p/u/0/ElkYr74z96k

Poznaj Małgorzatę z Polski i dowiedz się jak to jest studiować w Saxion University w Holandii: http://www.youtube.com/user/eduabroad#p/u/0/ElkYr74z96k

środa, 3 lutego 2010

Interested in MBA, MSc International Management or MSc Non-profit Management in London? Find out more http://bit.ly/bGnSn9 Apply on http://www.studiazagranica.pl

Interesują Cię studia MBA, MSc International Management albo MSc Non-profit Management w Londynie? Zobacz więcej http://bit.ly/bGnSn9 Aplikuj na http://www.studiazagranica.pl
University of Huddersfield - check out photos from the school and an interview with a Polish student: http://bit.ly/dlqyAD

University of Huddersfield - zobacz zdjęcia z uczelni i przeczytaj wywiad z polską studentką http://bit.ly/dlqyAD